The algorithm for returning the \(nth \) number in the Fibonacci Sequence provides a simple demonstration on how different design choices effect the run time, storage, and readability of the code.
The sequence is as follows:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55
The sequence follows the pattern of:
\(fib(n) = fib(n – 1) + fib(n – 2)\) where \(n > 0 \)I’ve written three algorithms. Each has pros and cons.
First I want to create a simple Error for a case where \(n\) is out of bounds. We will use this with all our algorithms.
enum FibError: Error {
case OutOfBounds
Our first algorithm will use an iterative approach.
func fib(of n: Int) throws -> Int {
guard n > 0 else { throw FibError.OutOfBounds }
guard n > 2 else { return 1 }
var result = 0, nMinusOne = 1, nMinusTwo = 1
for _ in 3...n {
result = (nMinusOne + nMinusTwo)
nMinusTwo = nMinusOne
nMinusOne = result
return result
Our second algorithm will use a recursive approach. Notice how this algorithm is easier to read, but slightly more difficult to conceive.
func fib(of n: Int) throws -> Int {
guard n > 0 else { throw FibError.OutOfBounds }
guard n > 2 else { return 1 }
return try fib(of: n - 1) + fib(of: n - 2)
Our third algorithm is a more optimal version of the recursive algorithm. Because of the nature of the recursive function calls, and more specifically the operation try fib(of: n - 1) + fib(of: n - 2)
, we use a dictionary to avoid repetitive function calls.
var sequenceValues = [Int: Int]()
func fib(of n: Int) throws -> Int {
guard n > 0 else { throw FibError.OutOfBounds }
guard n > 2 else { return 1 }
var value: Int
if sequenceValues[n] != nil {
value = sequenceValues[n]!
} else {
value = try fib(of: n - 1) + fib(of: n - 2)
sequenceValues[n] = value
return value
I hope this was helpful!